The epic Ramayana tells the story of Rama who ruled in the kingdom of Kosala, north of the Ganges River, the capital of Ayodhya. Previous begins with the story of King Dasarata who has three consorts, namely: Kosalya, Kekayi, and Sumitra. From Goddess Kosalya, Sang Rama was born. From Goddess Kekayi, was born the Bharata. From the Goddess of Sumitra, son born twins, named Lakshmana and Satrugna. Fourth prince was very handsome and proficient armed.
One day, Sage Viswamitra asked Rama to protect aid the hermitage in the woods of the rakshasa disorders. After talks with King Dasarata, Sage Viswamitra and the Rama went into the jungle accompanied by the Lakshmana. During his trip, the Rama and Lakshmana were given spiritual knowledge of Sage Viswamitra. They also incessantly annoying rakshasa kill the ceremony the rishi. As they passed Mithila, Rama followed the contest, held King Janaka. He managed to win the contest and the right to propose to Goddess Sita, daughter of King Janaka. By bringing Goddess Sita, Rama and Lakshmana returned to Ayodhya.
King Dasarata who are old, wanted to give up the throne to Rama. At the request of Goddess Kekayi, Your Majesty reluctantly give up the throne to Bharata, while Rama had to leave the kingdom for 14 years. Bharata wanted Rama as the successor to the throne, but Rama refuses and wants to live in the woods with his wife and Lakshmana. Finally Bharata ruled the kingdom of Kosala in the name of Rama.
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